You have surely noticed it, in the metro, in the street or at a festival: the banana bag is the essential accessory of 2023. But, where does it come from? Why is it making a comeback?
When we talk about fanny packs, the origin is still a mystery… Some say the first one was seen in Italy in 3300 BC, worn for Ötzi, the oldest mummy in the world! The bag, which was made of goatskin, already had the function of helping the mummy to carry its small objects… 👜
In short, saddlebags are practical and as old as the world. But, the "bum bag" as we know it today appeared much later.
In 1954, the American sports magazine Sport Illustrated published an article on winter sports, which had as an accessory, the fanny pack. Again, it was already convenient because it allowed skiers to have their hands free. ⛷️
© Richard Meek/ Sports Illustrated
But Jamy, how did the fanny pack go from a sports accessory to a fashion accessory that we use in everyday life?
Very good question ! In the 1980s, fanny packs began to be worn on other occasions, such as when travelling. The accessory become popular and we can say that it was the decade of fanny packs. They are everywhere and still, they were seen as a symbol of pop culture and the LGBTQIA+ community because the alternative aesthetic of the accessory diffused an image of individuality and daring, bringing a sense of belonging to the community. community, which was going through a growth phase of a subcultural scene. 🍌🌈
But sometimes the story is too good to be true...
We tend to say that fashion is cyclical: the trend is down in the 2000s, when fanny packs were seen as “cheesy”, “outdated” and also represented bad taste. It was around this time that the larger and more sophisticated bags arrived. 🛍️
Fortunately, the return of vintage fashion from the 80s and 90s arrived around 2017 andfanny packs made a comeback ! But, this time, not only young people started using them for convenience and style, but luxury brands also started producing bags, which gave rise to a new concept for fanny packs. 😎
Today, the banana is found in all major and small fashion brands with a variety of styles, materials and designs.
Do you also want to join this fashion that is back? Find our responsible Hoe catalog here ! 💛♻️
1 comment
Le sac banane est intemporel ! Il suffit juste de bien savoir les associer avec notre style ! De plus c’est un accessoire super pratique haha, nous sommes entièrement d’accords avec ce que vous dites, le sac banane est et sera toujours à la mode, son design et son utilité au quotidien en font l’accessoire parfait pour tout le monde :) ! Que diriez-vous de devenir ambassadeurs avec notre boutique en ligne afin de faire de ce sac un véritable accessoire de mode une bonne fois pour toute ? :)